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Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free Cauliflower Chowder

healthy dinner recipes

Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free Cauliflower Chowder. A creamy, low carb, hearty and simple recipe perfect for the entire family. 


Happy New Year, guys! I hope everyone had a nice (and somewhat healthy) holiday season. It’s hard to believe that it’s over, right? We didn’t travel this year – instead, we celebrated with Joe’s family here in NYC. I missed seeing my family who is scattered across the country but it was nice to relax, wake up without an alarm clock, not workout in a rush and catch up our favorite shows (The Marvelous Mrs. Maisle being my favorite!). I also took the time to organize and clean our apartment which is, in my opinion, a great way to start the New Year. 


Anyways, it was also nice to eat at home. Joe and I cooked a ton and only indulged a few times while visiting family on Christmas and New Year’s. While at home, we made tons of easy, healthy meals that I will be sharing over the coming weeks. 


One of my favorites is this Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free Cauliflower Chowder made with fresh veggies and roasted garlic. It was my first time roasting a head of garlic. The flavor is mild enough to spread on toast/crackers and incredibly delicious as part of a hearty soup. It’s the star ingredient in this dish! 


I hope you like the recipe as much as we did and when you try making it, let us know! Leave a comment, and don’t forget to tag a photo #OurFlipSideLife on Instagram!


4 cups vegetable broth

1 head of garlic

Olive oil

1 head of cauliflower, chopped

1 sweet potato, chopped

2 shallots, chopped

2 tsp fresh thyme

Salt and Pepper to taste

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1. Preheat the oven to 425F and line two baking sheets.

2. Slice off the top of each head of garlic to expose some of the cloves inside and place the heads on a piece of foil. Drizzle with olive oil, wrap in the foil and place on the baking sheet.

3. Add the chopped cauliflower, sweet potato and shallots alongside the garlic and onto the second baking sheet. Drizzle the veggies with olive and season with salt and pepper.

4. Place both baking sheets in the oven to roast, 30-35 min or until tender. Remove the veggies from the oven and let cool, 5-7 min.

5. Remove the roasted head of garlic from the foil and gently squeeze each clove casing onto a dish (you should now have a deliciously fragrant garlic paste).

6. Add the vegetable broth, garlic paste and roasted veggies to a saucepan over medium heat. Let the veggies cook in the broth, 10-12 min or until the flavors are combined.

7. Using an immersion blender blend the veggies until smooth and season with salt, pepper and thyme.

8. Plate and garnish with a drizzle of olive oil, more thyme, gluten-free croutons, pumpkin seeds and cauliflower (toppings are optional). Enjoy!

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