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Dairy-Free Cauliflower Alfredo

Creamy Cauliflower Alfredo

A few weeks ago, I came across a recipe for Cauliflower Alfredo on Pinterest and thought: “I don’t see how this can taste good” but kept reading and looking through similar recipes. I spent the next 20min convincing myself it couldn’t work, then took the easiest recipe and made my way to the kitchen. Well, it turned out to be delicious and I am sold on the concept. Creamy Cauliflower Alfredo Sauce that is dairy-free, gluten-free and guilt-free. GIVE IT ALL TO ME!

There are so many variations of this recipe but I’ll leave you with our favorite one which includes a few tweaks we made along the way. We hope you enjoy it.



1 package gluten-free pasta

1 head of cauliflower, stemmed and cut into florets

1 teaspoon ghee

1-2 garlic cloves, minced

1 cup water

1/2 cup Nutritional Yeast

salt and pepper to taste

flat-leaf parsley, chopped (optional)



  1. Cook pasta according to package instructions. Once cooked, strain, rinse and set aside
  2. Heat the ghee in a pan over medium heat. Add garlic and cook for a few mins or until tender and fragrant (careful not to let it burn)
  3. Add water and cauliflower and bring to a boil. Once boiling, cover the pan and let cook, 8-10min or until cauliflower is tender.
  4. Carefully transfer the contents of the pan into a food processor.
  5. Add Nutritional Yeast and process until smooth or until texture is similar to a traditional cream sauce (add more water if necessary).
  6. Transfer sauce and cooked pasta to a large mixing bowl and combine.
  7. Season with salt and pepper.
  8. Divide into plates and garnish with parsley
  9. Serve and enjoy!

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